Methodology Qualitative Research Quantitative Research Research Process

Generalization – Generalizability

The generalization is the extent to which your study is true in different settings. The idea of making sure that your study is well represented makes your study findings generalized. If your sample is not representing the sample fairly, then probably the findings cannot be generalized to the entire population, rather generalized to those who participated.


If your study is quantitative, you need to address the issue of generalization in your study. This is an important question by anyone who evaluates your study. If your sample effectively represents the population, then your study findings have good chance of capturing the truth about your subject matter. This makes your study of value to be looked at. On the other hand, if your study sample did not include a good representation of the population, then your findings would not necessarily be true of the population.

The issue of generalization starts when you plan your methodology. Then, it is discussed in your findings. For example, if you use a random sample, or a quota sample, then you may want to compare distribution of the actual responses that were returned to you with those of the population. This will be discussed in the descriptive analysis of the sample in your findings chapter. If none of the commuters responded to your study, then your study is limited to the non-commuters. If a specific college is underrepresented in your study, then probably the findings may not accurately reflect that college.

Case Study

If your study is a case study, you will have some in-depth findings about your case. Then you may want to show how your case can provide a good sample that represents many other similar organizations. This is a generalization issue.

qualitative study

If your study is a qualitative study, then you assume that your findings may be true for a wider population. The thesis or dissertation is a journey of finding the truth about the world. Therefore, as you find the truth, you have to describe how much of this truth is applicable to the world.

Methodology Qualitative Research Quantitative Research Research Process

Pilot Study

Why do you do a pilot study? You do it in order to make sure that your methodology will generate the desired results. It is a reliability and validity check for your research method. You do not want to conduct your research method on your entire sample, and then discover different results than what you wanted.

For example, you have developed a survey that no one else has tested before to achieve a specific objective. You are planning to run the survey over tens or hundreds of participants. You may want to run this survey on a small number of participants in a pilot study.

In the pilot study, you almost do a qualitative mini research. You will be giving your survey to a few individuals who will answer the survey. Then you may sit with these participants, and make sure that they understood the survey questions correctly. Then, you will make sure that the way they answer the survey questions is exactly how the questions are intended to be answered.

During the pilot study, there is a good chance that you will better understand your topic. You may realize that you need to remove, modify, and add a question. You may want to reword the questions so that it implies the intended purpose of the question. Alternatively, you may realize you want to go one step backwards to achieve your purpose.

A pilot study is needed every time you do not have enough evidence that your questions have been tested. If you have translated questions from another language, then you need to test the new language wording. If you have modified existing survey, you want to make sure it holds the same level of validity. If you have developed your own questions, you want to make sure they are valid and can achieve their desired results.

During the pilot study, you will get a mini result of your research. These mini results provide you with sample data of your final results. It is a good choice for you to try the analysis you have planned for to make sure you know how it will turn out to be.

Doing the analysis based on the pilot study will pave the way for the final results. You may build your data sheet in your analysis software such as SPSS, Nvivo, or any other software. This same preparation will be used later on. This process may give you hints to modify the final methodology to better suit the following analysis stage.

For example, you may find out that the data you collected has open question that can be a multiple-choice question. This will help you a lot in the analysis later on. Another example, you may find out that you missed an important question that can enhance the validity of the survey sample. Let us say you forgot to ask if the respondent is over 18 years. How can you make sure to remove those who are not 18 years old from the final responses? One way would be having such question in the survey.

Study validity and reliability are major foundations for the entire study. If your methodology has been proven invalid or unreliable, then your entire study is meaningless. Pilot study helps in achieving reliability and validity.

Research Process

Oral Defense preparation, techniques, templates, best answers

Oral defense occurs towards the end of research journey. You have finished your thesis.  Your advisor is happy with it.  Your committee may or may not have approved it depending on your program.  Now, you have to stand up in front of everyone else.  They are people you might or might not have known before the defense.  Your task is to show what you have done.  Your task is to provide evidence that you are an expert in the thesis or dissertation topic.  You did it, not someone else.  As a result, you can handle any question in this field of study.  You will be able to discuss every part of it and show you knew what you were doing.  The objective of the defense is to prove you are an expert in your thesis topic.

How do you prepare for the defense?  You need to prepare a short presentation that will be discussed in the following section.  This presentation needs to be easy, clear, understandable, and short.  Make sure you get to the point that highlights your research journey.  It should provide evidence that you know the topic well, and you can smoothly explain what you did in your research.  You also need to be able to discuss the findings and conclusions.  More importantly, you should be able to answer questions from the committee.

What will the committee ask you in your defense?  Many questions can come up in your defense.  The best way to prepare for it is to make a good thesis at the beginning.  If you do not know what you are doing, then it is difficult or impossible to prepare for the defense.  However, most programs and advisors will not let that happen.

Common Oral Defense comments

If you break the questions into categories, they will be as follows:

  • Technical Questions: These will be issues with your thesis writing style, formatting, numbering, tables, figures, missing pages, authors, or paragraphs.


  • Literature Questions: “Did you check the findings of Author X?”  This is a very difficult question if you’ve excluded the research of a key player in your research topic.  You cannot talk credibly about certain topics without knowing its key contributors.  Make sure to follow your model journal article and its references.


  • Methodology Questions: These questions check your measurement tool reliability.  Did your survey measure the different variables effectively?  It can also include questions about sample issues including size, selection, representation, pilot study, participants, etc.  Make sure you understand your methodology, and why you used it.


  • Analysis Questions: “You mentioned ‘X’, but why is that a factor?” These questions occur when you focus too much on the trees and you miss the forest.  If your analysis is too long, and you repeat it too much, you will fall into this trap. Keep your analysis short, simple, and to the point.  Nothing else.


  • Conclusions Questions: “So if you were in this position, what would you do?”  This can be a tricky question since the position described can be a real application of your study, yet the correct answer should come from your conclusions. It would be funny if you recommend doing things differently from what you advised in your thesis when facing this question.


  • Generalization Questions: It is important your study generalization is explained in your defense, and will likely be challenged if you say it is generalized.


  • Limitations Questions: Any weakness in your study becomes a limitation in the study.  You have to be brave to show and discuss your study weaknesses.  At the moment, you may feel that you did a poor job, but it is OK.  In fact, it is purely normal.  It is just an exercise.


  • Reality Questions: Questions that have nothing to do with your research but rather has to do with the field of study in general. The person who asks you this question probably has some knowledge about the topic and wants to get your opinion.

Oral Defense Best Answers

What is the best answer in a defense?  “That is a very important point. I will reflect it in my study.”  During the defense, you will likely hear several common comments.  For example, “This does not make sense.”  “This needs to be changed.”  “This is not accurate.”  “This is not correct.”  In each of these cases, you may clarify your opinion.  Nevertheless, if you clarify your opinion once, and the other party does not buy it, then it is safe for you to say, “I will investigate and fix my thesis if necessary.”

During the defense, the committee wants you to graduate but before that, they want you to learn a bit more and the defense is their last chance to help you learn before you graduate.  So give them that chance.  Thank them for their contributions and help given since the beginning of the program.

When do people fail during the defense?  The main reason is the failure to get your advisor’s OK.  The committee may argue the advisor should fail you if you have misled him or her.  The only reason you could fail that I can think of is an ethical violation.  You just have to follow the rules.

Oral Defense Presentation

During your defense, you may be able to use a power point presentation to go over your thesis or dissertation.  The program may already have a template that students ought to use for their presentation.  If so, the template should include parts required by the program.  Just fill it in.

It is suggested to keep the presentation short.  Use short sentences or just keywords that remind you of what you will be talking about.  You should sound like an expert in your presentation.  You are expected to have memorized the name of the author of your model journal article.  You should know the theory you are basing your study on inside out.  You have memorized some of the key findings of your study. This is because you have spent a good time studying them.

Some of the facts you want to mention in your presentation include the reason for selecting the topic.  What makes this topic relevant to you on a personal level?  What surprised you during your research process?  What findings did you not expect that emerged and what does it mean?  Did that affect your research study?

Your responses should be short and in relation to your study.  Do not overdo it.  What you should overdo though is your methodology and data collection.  At least half of your presentation should be discussing your work, not anyone else’s.

Oral Defense Templates

Based on most common presentation templates, you will have to do an introduction to your thesis, where you will tell the audience what is going to be covered in your presentation.  Then you will provide background on your topic and conclude it with your problem statement.  Next, you will need to discuss why your problem statement is important.  Then you will provide the research questions.  After that, you can talk about what others have done to answer these questions.  Do not repeat your literature review.  Just briefly highlight a few.  Then get into what you did.  As you discuss your methodology, your tools, and your techniques, you can also refer to the relevant literature review.

What you did in the research project is the most important part of your presentation.  The audience wants to make sure that it is your work, and you understand what you did.  The presentation should prove that well. 16

As you discuss your methodology, you will provide your findings and conclusions.  In addition, you probably are going to include references from the literature.  Do not worry if you go back and forth between the chapters.  The objective is to show all of your work during your presentation time.

It is always good to have figures or graphs that contain a lot of information on one screen.  It also serves well during the defense to have your findings on one slide.  If you have lots of information,  consider printing it and hanging it on flip charts for easy reference.

Oral Defense Techniques

Using flip charts offers a communication advantage during your defense.  If your topic includes many similar components such as the analysis that generates different results, and the audience may be confused by which data belongs to which analysis, you may want to put each analysis on a separate flip chart.  Therefore, they can point to the analysis they will discuss with you.

You may consider having every slide on a large piece of paper posted on the wall in order of your presentation.  So, if someone asks you a question, you stand next to that post and discuss it.  It also allows you to write on that slide, which may put an end to a comment brought by the committee.  This also reduces confusion when you have to find a specific slide during the discussion.

Part of your presentation is to prepare for the defense.  It is advisable to attend one before it’s your turn.  Ask your advisor or your program coordinator how to attend a defense.  It will motivate you and will provide valuable experience on what could be asked during yours.   There are frequently asked questions during defense and they can be even more specific in your program.  Different programs have a strategic plan for their program quality.  Therefore, if you ask those before you about their experiences, there is a good chance you will get very similar, if not exactly the same common questions.

After your defense, you can celebrate with your family and friends.  However, it is probably not the end of the journey.  Sometimes, you are still not entitled to the degree.  There is a good chance you will still have to address the comments by your committee.  You will probably still have to consult with your advisor to see if you have fixed them properly and contact the committee to approve you for the degree.

Methodology Research Process

Earn Your Degree Moments

While I was very tired I went to my wife and told her I feel I am a Ph.D. now. I was working on my findings and I realized that night that I fully understood what I was doing. I realized it’s the degree moments.

There is a degree moment in your journey when you will feel that you have transformed from the person who started the program to the person who earned his or her degree.  Officially, you earn your degree when your thesis or dissertation is approved.  Publicly, you earn your degree after you walk down the aisle at your graduation ceremony.  However, you truly earn your degree at the moment when you realize that you have completed your study.

The moment you earn your degree is a special moment.  It’s your degree moment. You will likely be very tired, yet you will be enjoying the work on your thesis.  That moment is for you to celebrate.  It means you just have to finish the writing.

Conclusions Methodology Research Process

Causation vs. Correlation

So what is this causation correlation confusion?

When it rains, you get wet. When it does not rain, you do not get wet. Every time it rains, you get wet. Of course, while you are under the skies. This is causation. You can see the logic that if every time X happens, then Y has to happen. If any time X did not happen, we never see Y.

Correlation, on the other hand, is the fact that Y and X get together. It does not necessarily mean one affects the other. Rather, a third factor, such as Z influences them both. For example, you might get wet, and you might see the rainbow. These two correlate but they do not cause each other. The rain could cause both to happen, yet rain falls and then cease after some time, likewise the rainbow, it’s clearly seen in the sky after it rains.

It is important to distinguish between the causation relationship and the correlation relationship. You have to be very specific when you use this terminology because its meaning is very different.

For example, as people get jobs their happiness is raised. A research may reach this conclusion after surveying people about their work status, and their happiness level. A relationship can be measured using correlation analysis. Now, the correlation analysis may show a significant association between these two variables. Yet, we cannot claim that because people have jobs, they are happy. Even though, it makes sense that when people have a job, their happiness increases. The causation conclusion would require much work to prove, yet correlation can be sufficient to confirm your point, which says there is association between having a job and one’s happiness.