Methodology Research Process

Earn Your Degree Moments

While I was very tired I went to my wife and told her I feel I am a Ph.D. now. I was working on my findings and I realized that night that I fully understood what I was doing. I realized it’s the degree moments.

There is a degree moment in your journey when you will feel that you have transformed from the person who started the program to the person who earned his or her degree.  Officially, you earn your degree when your thesis or dissertation is approved.  Publicly, you earn your degree after you walk down the aisle at your graduation ceremony.  However, you truly earn your degree at the moment when you realize that you have completed your study.

The moment you earn your degree is a special moment.  It’s your degree moment. You will likely be very tired, yet you will be enjoying the work on your thesis.  That moment is for you to celebrate.  It means you just have to finish the writing.